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Blog Posts (36)

  • Meditation to Connect You to Live from God's Love

    Listen to the Meditation to Connect You to Live from God's Love here. (17 minutes) Full transcript below. The purpose of our time together today is to expand your ability to encounter and interface with God. We want to see ourselves as God sees us. We have a portal inside of us, our spirit man. Our spirit man is already linked to heaven. Our journey is to increasingly access heaven by learning to focus and receive from what our spirit man has access to. We are going to access that inner door today.  Deliberately help your mind to calm down by focusing on your breath and breathing. —in and out through your nose. Nice and slow. Give your busy little brain a vacation right now. It is not needed for what we are doing this morning. Allow the thought of being loved and accepted, cared for and affirmed by your loving heavenly Father, to wash over you. Soak it up like a sponge. Open yourself up to feel the compassion He has for you. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” You have a door deep inside you. Picture it (pause) and choose to open it. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are standing at the door.  Choose to open your door and invite them in. Say aloud, Please come in. You are welcome here.” Immediately, a river of love begins to flow in you, through you, around you. Be immersed in the Spirit’s love. See Jesus and the Father hugging you. They are putting their arms around you. You sink deeper into love’s embrace. You begin to feel cocooned, safe, resting in God’s arms of love. Drink in that life giving stream of the Spirit’s pure love. You are beginning to feel full to overflowing with being loved. That love fills your mind, your emotions and your will.  You begin to relax. Surrendering to God’s will feels effortless from this place of rest as you let go of anything except being loved. Worries, cares, busyness. It all gets washed away by this living stream of love. His love flows down over your body. Your head, your neck, your chest and arms, your torso and legs. All the way to your toes. Wiggle your toes as they absorb that love. Now release all that love so it can create an atmosphere, a sphere, of love all around you. Now direct it to all the different areas of your life-family, relationships, work, everywhere. You are loved. You can rest.  Keep relaxing. Begin to think of someone or something you are thankful for. Release your gratitude. say aloud “Thank you for ______." Think of someone who has been kind to you or blessed you. “Thank you.” Be grateful you are alive. Thank God for His love. Thank Jesus for His wanting to be with you. Thank Holy Spirit for His constant help. “Thank you, Holy Spirit.” This will begin to fill you with joy and saturate you. Feel the joy flowing over and down your whole body. Release this joy and let it fill your atmosphere. As you rest in this love and joy say yes to the Father. Aloud, “YES" Think of someone who has hurt you. Say yes to forgiving them.  “I forgive you.” Think of someone you have hurt. Say yes to, “I’m sorry." Rest and surrender to Jesus as He interacts with your deepest self. Meditate on God’s desire for you. He knows everything about you. He wants the very best for you. For you to be whole. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts of me, oh God! How vast is the sum of them! Now His amazing thoughts about you start to flow around your mind. His truth is beginning to penetrate any strong holds and lies. His thoughts are beginning to change and align your thoughts to His thoughts. Knowing you are loved and accepted, start to think about and say to the Lord: Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Ask Him to search and reveal any anxious thoughts or sinful ways. Ask the Father to deal with anything that will hinder you fulfilling your destiny today. Ask the Father to reveal the desires of His heart to you. You don’t have to fix yourself. Relinquishing control to Him, surrendering to His love, is transforming you. Think about Romans 12:2. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Invite God to lead you in the process of having your mind renewed and conformed to His thoughts and perceptions. Here is a prayer you can say daily to help with the renewing of your mind. Think about your upcoming day and rest knowing you are intimately connected to God who is ultimate love and friendship. Chose to accept your destiny. Relax and feel the joy and pleasure of the Father’s heart. Your destiny today is filled with love, joy and peace. Look at your day from rest. Look at yourself as He does: honored, wanted, celebrated, approved of and cherished. Visualize being blessed to be fruitful, successful and fulfilled at home, at work and in every area of life. Everywhere you go, grace and mercy go before you.  Hear the Father’s word of affirmation: “You are my beloved son; you are my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased in whom my soul delights.” Say aloud: I am His beloved child. I am already a success. I am already blessed.Feel the pleasure of the Father’s heart for you and for your destiny today.“Father, you saw me in my mother’s womb. Holy Spirit you hovered over my unformed substance. And in Your book were written all the days that were ordained for me.” Feel the light of love energizing you.Feel the energy and power of God’s presence pulsating within you. You are joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him You are the house of God and He lives in you. You are His gateway of bringing heaven to earth. Feel and sense the abundance of life within you. Be at rest, fulfilled and contented, being filled with love, joy and peace. Release the flow of abundant life as a river flowing from your innermost being into the world around you. Say out loud: I embrace the light of love energizing me. I accept the energy and power of God’s presence pulsating within me. I am joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him. I am the house of God and He lives in me. I am His gateway of bringing heaven to earth. I choose to tune into the abundance of life within me. I choose to rest, fulfilled and contented, connected to the love, joy and peace already within me through Christ. I choose to release the flow of abundant life as a river flowing from my innermost being into the world around me “. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, in me, in my territory, as it is in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.”

  • Light of Christ Prayer (4 minutes) and the Light of Christ Body Scan Exercise (24 minutes)

    Fill Your Home With the Light of Christ Prayer (Audio 4 minutes) God connect me now to my spirit man, And let the light of Christ radiate out through that perfect portal of God-- Through every cell of my body, through every particle of my mind and my soul. Let my mind, will, emotions and DNA be cleansed by the light of Christ, And let that power come out of me and make a 12-foot circle, a sphere, completely around me filled with the positive pressure of the light of Christ. And let it act on every room that I inhabit or pass through in this house, or wherever I go. And let it touch every person that it should touch. And let me be the head and not the tail, and a generator of light and power. I accept to look upon myself as a winner, someone who is a giver and a receiver, and is a lucky person who gets to be with God, who is going live forever in joy. I refuse to feel sorry for myself or to be overly sympathetic with anything evil or negative. Help me to be positive, strong, outgoing, and joyful. In Jesus name, Amen. Light of Christ Whole Body Infusion (Audio 24 minutes) Listen as Richard Kinney leads us with a meditation to have the entire body filled with Christ's light.

  • Encounter with Big Jesus

    I recently had this encounter that I thought I would share: I went up to the throne room and sat on the Father's lap. After a short while, He said, "Why don't you go and see Jesus?" So, I hopped down and went to look for Jesus. He was nearby. I walked up to Him, and He said, "Would you like to play hide and seek?" I said, "No, I want to stay with You." He said, "How about if we go fishing?" We walked to a small stream. It had big, fat fish in it. They had bright, rainbow patterns on their sides. We sat side by side, very much like a father and a young son. I was troubled because I had recently made an alliance with three very large angels. They were nice and easy to be with, but the energy coming off them was very intense. And I was having trouble staying balanced around them. I told Jesus my problem and He said, "Do you want to see how big I am?" I said, "Yes." And He got bigger and bigger and bigger until He started to fill a large portion of outer space. At one point, He cried out in a loud voice, "I am God." He encouraged me later to see Him in His bigness when I pray. Later on reflection, I could see that even though my theology has always been that He is equally God with the Triune, with the Trinity. But in my heart, I had made Him to be the nice man and the chosen with magic powers. This is somewhat overstating, but not much. So now I am in my own childlike way, calling Him Big Jesus to help remind me who I'm praying to. Two nights went by, and I woke up around five o'clock in the morning. I wanted to get an angel who has been with me for 16 years and has come to be a dear friend, a Christmas present. What do you buy an angel for Christmas? Socks? An idea came to my mind: ask Big Jesus to give him a Big Jesus Christmas present. That felt so good that I started to ask Him for all the angels and loved ones for the same thing, a Big Jesus Christmas present. I feel that Jesus liked that, and He smiled. I thought that some of you might want to ask the same thing for your angels and loved ones. When I pray like that, I see Jesus filling up a huge space and I connect to Him in that way.

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Classes (44)

  • Events and Shop | Firehouse Ministries

    Books available on by Dr. Nancy Moelk in English and Spanish Spiritual Self Defense, Part 2. Click Here to Register Topics for February 20: Richard Kinney on "The Psychology of Angels" and "Learn to Work and Play with Angels" and "What Demons Hate". $50 per person. Scroll down for books Books available on God Wants to Be with You Good Grief Revised, Updated, and Expanded By Their Fruit: Oil, Genocide & Faith - A Chronicle of the South Sudan Titles in Spanish Dios Quiere Estar Contigo Del Duelo al Consuelo

  • Deliverance | Firehouse Ministries

    School of the Lion Deliverance by Richard Kinney shares how to do and not do deliverance. Lesson 3: School of the Lion Deliverance by Richard Kinney Deliverance is a misunderstood and sometimes controversial subject. Richard Kinney walks us through the basics and explains the importance of not overemphasizing or dismissing demons as irrelevant for today. He also explains some of the techniques for doing effective deliverance. He discusses what can create areas in our souls that the enemy can hang on to, such as unresolved negative emotions or any area that is out of alignment with God. Lesson 3: Deliverance Below you will an audio and a transcript of the lesson; study and personal application questions; a prayer, scripture and finally a quiz on the class with an answer key. Click on the link. Audio of Lesson Discussion Questions Answer to Discussion Questions Reflection Questions Prayer Scripture Quiz Answers to Quiz Go to List of Lion Classes

  • Mixing Power and Love | Firehouse Ministries

    Mixing Power and Love by Dr. Nancy Moelk and Richard Kinney Lesson 2: Mixing Power and Love by Dr. Nancy Moelk and Richard Kinney God has deposited His Kingdom within us. He desires for us to manifest that Kingdom in a lovely mixture of power and love in our lives. This teaching answers many questions about what is the healthy and balanced use of our giftedness that comes from the Kingdom we carry within and what a misuse of the power of it can bring. Lesson 2: Mixing Power and Love Below you will an audio and a transcript of the lesson; study and personal application questions; a prayer, scripture and finally a quiz on the class with an answer key. Click on the link. Audio of Lesson Discussion Questions Answer to Discussion Questions Reflection Questions Prayer Scripture Quiz Answers to Quiz Go to List of Eagle Classes

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