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Encounter with Big Jesus

Updated: Jan 31

I recently had this encounter that I thought I would share:

I went up to the throne room and sat on the Father's lap.

After a short while, He said, "Why don't you go and see Jesus?"

So, I hopped down and went to look for Jesus.

He was nearby.

I walked up to Him, and He said, "Would you like to play hide and seek?"

I said, "No, I want to stay with You."

He said, "How about if we go fishing?"

We walked to a small stream.

It had big, fat fish in it.

They had bright, rainbow patterns on their sides.

We sat side by side, very much like a father and a young son.

I was troubled because I had recently made an alliance with three very large angels.

They were nice and easy to be with, but the energy coming off them was very intense.

And I was having trouble staying balanced around them.

I told Jesus my problem and He said, "Do you want to see how big I am?"

I said, "Yes."

And He got bigger and bigger and bigger until He started to fill a large portion of outer space.

At one point, He cried out in a loud voice, "I am God."

He encouraged me later to see Him in His bigness when I pray.

Later on reflection, I could see that even though my theology has always been that He is equally God with the Triune, with the Trinity.

But in my heart, I had made Him to be the nice man and the chosen with magic powers.

This is somewhat overstating, but not much.

So now I am in my own childlike way, calling Him Big Jesus to help remind me who I'm praying to.

Two nights went by, and I woke up around five o'clock in the morning.

I wanted to get an angel who has been with me for 16 years and has come to be a dear friend, a Christmas present.

What do you buy an angel for Christmas?


An idea came to my mind: ask Big Jesus to give him a Big Jesus Christmas present.

That felt so good that I started to ask Him for all the angels and loved ones for the same thing, a Big Jesus Christmas present.

I feel that Jesus liked that, and He smiled.

I thought that some of you might want to ask the same thing for your angels and loved ones.

When I pray like that, I see Jesus filling up a huge space and I connect to Him in that way.

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