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An Osprey coming in for a landing
Lesson 3: Prophecy, Close 
to the Heart of God
by Richard Kinney

Here are some of the main ideas in this lesson. Are you aware that the real fun of prophecy is being close to the heart of God? God longs for us and enjoys being with us. As we engage in hearing His voice and feeling His presence, not only do we delight in that closeness, but He does as well!  Not everyone has a gift of prophecy but each of us can hear God speaking to us. God is excited about people and is interested in what is good about them. He never looks on a person with disdain.  Giving prophecy allows us to see others and ourselves through His eyes.

Lesson 3: Prophecy, Close to the Heart of God

Below you will an audio and a transcript of the lesson; study and personal application questions; 

a prayer, scripture and finally a quiz on the class with an answer key. Click on the link.

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