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An Osprey coming in for a landing
Lesson 5: Overview of the Eagle
by Dr. Nancy Moelk 
and Richard Kinney

We may ask ourselves, "Does God heal people today? Does God want to heal people today?" If we have never seen it happen or have expected it to happen, we may say no to these questions. Dr. Nancy Moelk shares firsthand experiences from a Randy Clark, Global Awakening mission trip to Brazil of healings she witnessed there. She will discuss whether faith is always necessary for healing. She will explain how God is excited about seeing people healed and restored. Remember, He originally made this world without disease and sickness and suffering. That came in whenever God stopped having all His own way and allowed man to have free choice. What part does our need to control (or rather, let go of our need to control) have in us seeing healings happen? 

Lesson 5: Overview of the Eagle

Below you will an audio and a transcript of the lesson; study and personal application questions; 

a prayer, scripture and finally a quiz on the class with an answer key. Click on the link.

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