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  • Richard Kinney and Dr. Nancy Moelk

Check Out the School of the Four Living Creatures

Updated: Jan 29

After a very long time in Christian service with many ups and downs, we have finally been shown a much better understanding of how spiritual growth works. We know the foundation of all growth is based on our embracing the union that exists between us and Jesus Christ, since we are “in Him” and He is “in us.”

We are called to develop in four areas in a somewhat balanced and equal way or we will be left in shallowness at best and become unstable at worst. If we learn to cooperate and grow intentionally in each area, He will be able to more quickly and completely release us into safe, powerful, intelligent and joyful service and growth.

These four areas of growth are based on the four faces of God as demonstrated by the wonderful but mysterious creatures that surround His throne as recorded in Revelations 4. Each represent part of His nature and because we are made in His image, we have all the potential inside to be developed and come into maturity in each of these areas.

· Area #1: The Man involves our ability to give and receive love. Our creativity, our love for the arts, our compassion and empathy. We must grow in the Man. This involves our emotional health and heart strength. And this will allow us to contain and use safely the power and authority of the Lion.

· Area #2: The Lion involves our ability to govern and take charge. To become co-creators with God. To participate in the restoration of all things. We must grow in the courage and boldness of the Lion to convincingly communicate the things revealed to us through prophecy and heavenly visions that we find in the Eagle. The authority we obtain in the Lion, gives us power to be a credible witness and to have impact in every area of life. To rise into the courts of heaven and influence what happens on earth.

· Area #3: The Eagle involves all things supernatural. In order to move forward in life as a representative of God and His agenda we must learn to hear from Him and be open to His direction and revelation through dreams and visions and direct encounter with Him. We are meant to do greater works than Jesus did!

· Area #4: The Ox involves the ability to rest and prosper in submission to our God and to be willing to sacrifice. In order to be strong and steady enough to move forward irresistibly in what we are shown through the Eagle, we must develop the love and submission of the Ox and the incredible strength that comes with that.

This School with God’s help, will help you become the joyful and powerful person that God has made you to be. Expect divine appointments and encounters as you study this school.

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