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Notes for Women's Retreat 10/30/23

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

Run with Chariots Women’s Retreat

The Father’s House in Conyers, GA



Steps to Living out of Heaven

1. Make friendship with God your highest priority.

2. Pursue hearing God’s voice. Spend time and effort learning this.

3. Move from asking to declaring becoming a Co-creator with Christ.

4. Governance: sit and rest till he makes your enemy your footstool

“Faith is visual. God made your imagination so you can see things you’ve never seen or experienced before! Attach faith to your imagination.”-

Wendy Backlund

The Power of your Imagination

· Co-creation with Christ is not optional but an essential part of our mission and nature.

· God imagined everything and then he made it. (Genesis 1)

· God imagined you before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1)

· You have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

· You are a co-creator with Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:9)

· Your imagination is a powerful force inside of you. It helps develop faith. (Hebrews 11:1)

· Imagination is a bridge between the natural and supernatural worlds. That is why we must become like little children: dare to imagine the impossible. (Matthew 18)

· Re-write your history including the presence of God by using your imagination. David constantly uses his imagination to imagine God in his circumstances and even in his past. (Psalm 139: 13-14)

I pray you will be promoted by everything you receive from this website and that it will launch you into more and more of a life that constantly brings heaven to earth everywhere you go. Upgrade your relationship with God from a walk to a journey, from a journey to an adventure, from an adventure to a multi-dimensional epic! God wants to show you a whole new world. He wants to take you from wonder to wonder giving you a fantastic point of view. Say yes to this invitation.


A Prophetic Word for the Women’s Retreat from the Holy Spirit

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways.

I don’t set the bar too high for you, my child. It is always reasonable.

I love to watch you expand and grow and reach up higher than you ever have before. I delight in any progress, and I forgive, and am very compassionate about every fall or failure. You truly are the Apple of my eye. I delight in you.”

At this point, I could feel the Holy Spirit smiling and chuckling contentedly.


Clearing a Path for God Encounters

  1. Calm your mind by focusing on God’s breath in you. Ignore your random thoughts. Be still and know he is God.

  2. Affirm your imagination. “Open the eyes of my heart, God, to gaze on you and to see what is going on in heaven. I choose to imagine God’s reality.”

  3. Practice psalm 23. Live out in your imagination each picture of Psalm 23. See the shepherd. Let him lead you. Allow yourself to drink from his water and lie down next to him in green pastures, etc.

  4. Learn to go into courts of heaven to begin to take hold of everything Jesus bought for you with his blood. See list of resources for books about this. Move into a manifestation of your inheritance now, in this life.


Levels of Prayer

Every level of prayer is important to God. He longs for any kind of interaction with you. When you focus on him, he is glad to engage with you in whatever form and at whatever level you are capable of doing it.

  1. Intercession is based on need. We come to God asking.

  2. Warfare is based on the struggle to prevail.

  3. Governance is based on position and authority. Here are some Psalms about governance: 21, 45, and 110. Because we are “in Christ”, whatever is spoken of him as King, Priest and Prophet, also applies to us. Accept it. Grasp it. Make it your identity.

  4. Governance results in rest and is based on trust. Unbelief blocks us from receiving the promise (see Hebrews chapter 3 & 4).

  5. We need the word of God to set us free from living out of our own soul’s power and into the power provided in our spirit by oneness with Christ. (Hebrews 4:12)

  6. Don’t be afraid of angels. They are wind and fire, which are elements of the Holy Spirit. The goal of angels and all of heaven’s population is to bring you into more and more intimacy with Christ. They also want you to grow in the Father’s love and the passion of the Holy Spirit.



Faith focuses on the final outcome. Before Jesus did something, he first saw it first, imagined it by looking at what the Father was doing. (John 5:19-20)

Faith uses the imagination as a vehicle of presenting “the evidence of things hoped for.” (Hebrews 11:1)

The faith you have, and use is a gift from God. (Eph. 2:8) You can’t muster it up on your own. Ask for his help in using what he has given you.


Declarations to Move you Towards Seeing God Face to Face

1. The Lord is my shepherd. I am his sheep and I hear his voice. The shepherd likes to speak with me.

2. I can hear Gods voice.. It is easy for me to discern God‘s voice.

3. Jesus is my best friend. I am the friend that Jesus always wanted.

4. I enjoy having conversations with God. Like a father to his child, God enjoys sharing his heart with me.

5. Any barriers between me and God have been removed and we can talk freely with one another.

6. Heavenly Love, I can see your face. I can hear your voice. For your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.

7. You’re helping me to catch the little foxes that are trying to ruin my relationship with you.

8. You love to be with me.

9. You find me fascinating and beautiful.

10. I have your constant attention, affection, and approval.


Courts of Heaven Prayer for a Loved One

Inspired by

Receiving Generational Blessings from the Courts of Heaven, by Robert Henderson with Adam Henderson, Chapter 5

(Use this outline as a template and tailor this to the individual.)


Lord, I bring this person before your courts. As I stand here, I repent on his/her behalf for his failure in life as a father, or husband, or whatever function, this person should be serving. I ask for your blood to speak for him. I also repent for any lie he has believed about himself. I ask these lies would be undone. I ask before your courts that for every untruth he is believing, he would be forgiven, in Jesus name.

Break curses

Lord. I repent for every evil word I have said against this person. I ask that I might be forgiven, and these words might be annulled. I ask that these words would be dismissed and not allowed as evidence against this person in your courts. Lord, I love this person. I ask that this might be recorded in the courts. Let him go free from all the negative things I (or anyone else) have spoken against him in Jesus name.

Declare their destiny

Lord, as I stand in your courts, I declare that this person is ordained by you to have a deep loving personal connection with you. To live a healthy and abundant life. To advance your kingdom, to represent the love of Christ, and to be a conqueror. They are meant to be head and not the tail. I declare that his feet are beautiful and glorious as he runs, with you and your salvation. I ask based on this prophetic word, that you will cause this person‘s destiny and purpose to be restored.

Break Demonic Power

I rebuke now in Jesus’ name whatever spirit is afflicting this person. I declare you have no power against this person. I say your Rights are revoked and you are removed right now in Jesus’ name!


Take a Scripture and Make it your Own. Live it.

One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.

My personal version: Psalm 27:4

The thing that I am most passionate about, and that I want to pursue with all my heart on a daily basis.

That I would be constantly aware of walking in the dimension of the kingdom that lives within me

I want to be overwhelmed and consumed by the essence of God‘s presence and personality

I want to keep knowing him infinitely more and more and everything about him.

I want to be in a constant learning and knowing process and keep discovering more and more, the wonders of who he is and how beautiful he is.

I want to see him in a tactile way, in greater in greater measure.

The holy spirit is the passion of God, and he dwells in me.

Make this your daily prayer and God will meet your passion with his.

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